Saturday, February 1, 2025

The Beginning

       From now on, my blog will focus on the Cambridge Porfolio Project. I’ve been waiting for this time to come but also dreading it. I know it’s going take a lot of work to produce my best work but I can’t wait to see my end product. The class has prepared me a lot for this. In our last lesson, we learned about film openings and the techniques used in them. 

       After learning about various techniques, I wanted to research further about them to decide which one I find most engaging for the film opening. The two most intriguing techniques were developing tone and characters. Developing tone provides the purpose of the film. This would be useful to enagage audiences by setting up the film. If I use this method, I could focus on visuals which was my original idea. However, audiences can get lost easily but not connecting with the characters, takes note of this, tone should be correctly established or else “it allows the filmmakers to get as absurd as they want to without losing the audience” (Long T.) My other choice would be to develop characters. This would be tricker as they have to be likeable for engagement. 

Long, T. (2017, January 4). 5 essential types of powerful opening scenes. ScreenCraft. 

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