Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Lighting Techniques

    Almost time until official filming day, if all goes well it would be this Saturday. This would leave the following week dedicated to editing. It would have to be during the week which makes it more complicated. Next weekend, I'm going north to celebrate my aunt's birthday (it's a surprise). So excited for it, however, it is interfering with my schedule a bit. I'll just have to make more space for the project. Final step for filming is to establish lighting.

    Developing a lighting scheme for filming without professional lights can be difficult but if you use available light sources creatively, it can go smoothly.  According to the Film Camera Course website, one of the key strategies is to use natural light. Positioning your subject near windows during the day can provide soft lighting.  Additionally, using household lamps and adjusting their positions can help control the light's direction and intensity, giving you more control over the scene's mood.

    Another useful approach is to understand the basics of three-point lighting, which includes key light, fill light, and backlight. The key light is the main source of illumination, while the fill light reduces shadows caused by the key light. The backlight helps separate the subject from the background, adding depth to the scene. You can achieve a professional-looking lighting scheme without needing expensive equipment.

3 simple rules for filming without lights (exterior). Through The Lens Film School. (2024, November 15). https://filmcameracourse.wordpress.com/2012/01/11/filming-without-lights/

Hellerman, J. (2023, September 5). 13 film lighting techniques every filmmaker should know. No Film School. https://nofilmschool.com/lighting-techniques-in-film

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