Saturday, March 8, 2025

Research on CCR 1

      Now this is oddly what I am excited for. Ever since my teacher introduced the CCRs, I have been brainstorming how I can present my knowledge and journey through this project. Although I am very interested in these questions, I still am aware that this is a big portion of my project and should be taken very cautiously. But for right now, it is just researching in response to the questions.

How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?

       Coming-of-age movies frequently feature themes of identity and personal development. Close-ups, for example, contribute the viewer to connect with the protagonist's personal issues by capturing meaningful moments. Wide shots, on the other hand, highlight the character's relationship to the outside world or their sense of isolation. POV shots put the viewer in the protagonist's shoes throughout major shifts in their lives. Low/high angles are sometimes used to convey weakness or power. While harsh lighting emphasizes emotional conflict, soft lighting is used to evoke nostalgia.

      My film opening conveys multiple of these conventions. Close-ups used to show Alba’s concern for choosing to miss out hanging out with her friends or family. The final shot is a wide shot to show how isolated she is from her heritage as she sits at the opposite side of the table from all the Venezuelan decorations. 

Kench, S. (2023, September 25). Video: 3 elements in the best coming of age movies. StudioBinder. 

Friday, March 7, 2025

Small but proud editing

     Editing again... But at least there is something to show this time. This eyeline match might be basic editing, however, coming from someone who has zero (and I mean ZERO) experience in any form of editing, this is a small step. But in general editing has been going well and I am on the right track to be finished by the end of next week. I am a little nervous about the credits since I need to learn how to put text on clips. A sound element I have decided to possibly do is a voiceover. These are common in coming-of-age films and it would help the audience understand where the plot begins

Character looking at calendar off screen

Calendar shown directly after revealing issue

    The only clip I have had to refilm is the clip where Alba gets the notification from her friend asking if she is free that weekend. When I first filmed it, I didn't realize the time, 4:55. This is way too late to be arriving from school as it is almost evening. So I had to refilm that short clip at around 3. This way it is more realistic as in the U.S. we leave school at 3.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Editing my brain

     Started editing!! Sadly. This is the worst part of these types of projects. I typically enjoy editing when all clips are in order, placed nicely, and have the right momentum. That means all that is left is sound and adjusting the visual of the clip. That is fun, I want to watch some videos on how to make that work in Adobe Premier Pro as I am not as familiar with the program but know it can be very useful in this project.

    Right now, I am just organizing everything and getting familiar with Adobe Premier. I am weirdly excited about learning more about this tool. Although I might start editing this week, next it is going to be all I think of. This week is a little rocky with focus since the quarter is ending so every teacher is assigning projects or tests. I am relieved that next week my focus will be on this project. This blog post just served as a small update as I am just beginning to edit. Next post, I want to give an example of an edit I have done.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Filming Process

     Finally finished up with filming after slight scheduling conflicts. My anxiety increases as the due date gets closer and closer. The more I look at the clips, the more I start to nitpick at them. Unfortunately, we don't have months to work on this project, just a few weeks left. I have to do my best and ignore my perfectionism mentality.

My dog in the right bottom corner peeking

    Filming ran smoothly with just some quick mishaps in the way. For example, my dog getting in multiple frames or the camera focusing on the wrong thing. But all of these things were fixed by taking my dog outside or refilming the shot. All clips came out well but knowing me I might refilm certain ones or add some depending on how editing plays out. Some clips were intentional for a certain type of editing, like an eyeline match.

    I plan to match this with a shot of the calendar showing an important date/tradition in Latin culture, a family parilla (Direct translation: grill). This would create that struggle for balance between her friends and her family. One of my biggest worries is that the audience won't be able to capture that. Hopefully editing and sound will play a big role into transforming this theme.

    Next blog post, I should be starting on editing. This week, I want to finish importing and organizing the clips. I could even start working on sound and color if time lets me. My goal is to have the film opening done by the end of next week as I need to start researching and producing my CCRs soon.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

First Obstacle

      Well it was going to happened eventually! My first obstacle of filming process. My family friends are over. I mixed up the dates they were coming. I thought they were coming in two weeks, which would be no problem since it would be just editing. However, that didn’t work. It’s alright thought. I can push filming to Monday and start editing the same day so I don’t lose time. A small issue but a quick situation. This didn’t stop me from continuing. 

    In order to make up for lost time, I started completely cleaning the whole house. That is when I noticed there is a better location to film the eating and texting scene in my house. My kitchen has a kitchen nook (just found out the official name) that the walls are decorated with souvenirs from Venezuela. I have no idea how I didn’t think of this spot first. There is also a calendar on that same wall so I wouldn’t have to use the phone calendar like I thought I’d have to. This makes it much more smoother, now just two days until filming. 

Friday, February 28, 2025

Costume Design

     This might be the easiest part for me. My first idea for an outfit for Alba is whatever is trending right mow. She is a teenager, it’s normal to follow trends. This means oversized hoodie and baggy jeans. It is representative of a teenager now. For the hoodie, I own this light camo one. I’m not joking when i say you see everyone wearing this around school. It is impossible to not see it. I also thought about headphones, you will never catch anyone not wearing headphones nowadays. Those are the three crucial components of the costume for Alba. 

Thursday, February 27, 2025


     With filming day approaching, it is important to have equipment to better service the film project. I already have some since my sister used to to take a film class in middle school. The item that will come most useful out of this a tripod. The tripod stabilizes the shot, so the film will move smoothly. It also is adjustable so I can low and high angles.

        Another element I'm going to use is Artemis Pro. It is a camera app that mimics a professional camera.  Artemis Pro is a digital director's vision that helps them avoid discomfort in their backs as a professional camera is really heavy. It is perfect for shot planning and lens selection, and it provides a thorough database of cameras and lenses along with real-time simulation of pictures using different lens possibilities.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Lighting Techniques

    Almost time until official filming day, if all goes well it would be this Saturday. This would leave the following week dedicated to editing. It would have to be during the week which makes it more complicated. Next weekend, I'm going north to celebrate my aunt's birthday (it's a surprise). So excited for it, however, it is interfering with my schedule a bit. I'll just have to make more space for the project. Final step for filming is to establish lighting.

    Developing a lighting scheme for filming without professional lights can be difficult but if you use available light sources creatively, it can go smoothly.  According to the Film Camera Course website, one of the key strategies is to use natural light. Positioning your subject near windows during the day can provide soft lighting.  Additionally, using household lamps and adjusting their positions can help control the light's direction and intensity, giving you more control over the scene's mood.

    Another useful approach is to understand the basics of three-point lighting, which includes key light, fill light, and backlight. The key light is the main source of illumination, while the fill light reduces shadows caused by the key light. The backlight helps separate the subject from the background, adding depth to the scene. You can achieve a professional-looking lighting scheme without needing expensive equipment.

3 simple rules for filming without lights (exterior). Through The Lens Film School. (2024, November 15).

Hellerman, J. (2023, September 5). 13 film lighting techniques every filmmaker should know. No Film School.

Sunday, February 23, 2025


     One of the most easiest to plan but diffucult to do is audio. It is easy putting words on a plan matching the scene. Audio is crucial in a film because it sets the mood and enhances the story. It draws the audience in, making scenes more immersive. Good sound design can highlight important moments and convey feelings that visuals alone can't. In short, audio makes a film more engaging and impactful.

Sound plan for film opening 

     The most important way my film is going to utilize audio to capture the story and emotions is through non-digetic sound. One of my biggest worries with this project is that the audience won’t be able to understand the situation Alba is in. Her emotions and mindset play a huge role as to how the story escalates. I don’t want the viewer to believe she doesn’t like her heritage. To find the music I want, I found a website that offers free, non-copyrighted music, I have yet to find the perfect song so wish me good look in this treasure hunt!

Friday, February 21, 2025


      Props are essential in my film opening to show the difference between Venezuelan heritage and American culture. For instance, in her home, we can use props like arepas on the kitchen table, a traditional Venezuelan dish, that could be what she is eating. This will visually represent her cultural background and the warmth of her family gatherings.It also wouldn’t be a problem to make as it is a staple in my house and it’s super easy to make. However, scenes in her room  could feature fast food wrappers or shopping bags from the mall  emphasizing the different world she is trying to blend into.


     Additionally, props will help foreshadow the conflict and eventual resolution in the story. For example, the character could have a hidden box under her bed containing cherished items from Venezuela, like a family photo or a baby costume from Carnaval. This box can symbolize her hidden identity and the internal struggle she faces. During the fight with her friends, perhaps an item from this box gets accidentally revealed, sparking the argument. In the film's resolution, she could proudly display these items in her room, showing her acceptance of her heritage.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Infinite Colors

     The closer I get to filming, the more I lose myself to my imagination. It is rather easy to plan once you have your film opening set. The worst decision I have to make is between two elements that coukd contribute the same to the opening. Colors are complex as two colors could represent two different ideas to created a balanced picture but just look off when put together.

      So I’ve finally decided on a coherent color scheme to enhance the themes and emotions in the opening of my film. Since it's a coming-of-age story with both lighthearted and dramatic elements, I want to use a vibrant but contrasting palette. For the scenes where the main character Oriana is trying to fit in with her new friends, I'll use cooler tones like blues and grays to represent her feeling of isolation in her interactions. These scenes will have a more calm, chilling look, reflecting her internal struggle. On the other hand, when she's with her family or embracing her heritage, the colors will shift to warmer tones like reds, oranges, and yellows. These scenes will be lively, symbolizing the warmth and love of her culture and family life.

      In the film's opening, I want to show the audience a visual contrast that hints at the main character's dual life. When the opening scene shows her staring at her family it would be filled with warm, inviting colors and a lively atmosphere, reflecting the joy and connection she has with her heritage. Then a scene of her texting her new friends, the color palette shifts to cooler tones, highlighting the almost emptiness she feels. This visual storytelling will help the audience immediately understand the main conflict of her identity and the emotional journey she's about to go through. .

Example from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011))

Research on CCR 1

      Now this is oddly what I am excited for. Ever since my teacher introduced the CCRs, I have been brainstorming how I can present my kno...